
Set the Executable to run multiple times per execution on the QPU. If this option is not set, the Executable will be run one time per execution.


void wrap_in_shots(struct Executable *executable, unsigned short shots);


  1. executable: The Executable to set the parameter on.
  2. shots: The number of times to run the executable for each execution.


  1. executable must be the result of executable_from_quil


Take a simple bell state program:

        "DECLARE ro BIT[2]\n"
        "H 0\n"
        "CNOT 0 1\n"
        "MEASURE 0 ro[0]\n"
        "MEASURE 1 ro[1]\n";

If we run the program like this:

    unsigned int shots = 3;
    Executable *exe = executable_from_quil(BELL_STATE_PROGRAM);
    wrap_in_shots(exe, shots);
    ExecutionResult *result = execute_on_qvm(exe);

Then the program will be executed 3 times (per the number of shots set). The resulting Byte data of one execution will be a 2D array with an outer dimension of 3 (number of shots) and an inner dimension of 2 (amount of memory locations read per run).