
Set the memory location to read out of for an Executable. If not set, the Executable assumes a default of "ro". You can call this function multiple times to read from multiple registers. The first time you call the function, the default of "ro" is not longer relevant.


void read_from(struct Executable *executable, char *name);


  1. executable: The Executable to set the parameter on.
  2. name: The name of the memory region to read out of. Must match a Quil DECLARE statement exactly.


  1. executable must be the result of executable_from_quil
  2. name must be a valid, non-NULL, nul-terminated string. It must also live until executableis freed.


With a program like this one:

        "DECLARE first REAL[1]\n"
        "DECLARE second OCTET[1]\n"
        "MOVE first[0] 3.141\n"
        "MOVE second[0] 2\n";

We've declared a region called first and another called second—both of which we'd like to read out of. Since we are not using a single register called "ro" (the default), we need to specify where to read from.

    Executable *exe = executable_from_quil(REAL_MEMORY_PROGRAM);
    read_from(exe, "first");
    read_from(exe, "second");
    ExecutionResult *result = execute_on_qvm(exe);