
class FrameSet:
def get(self, /, identifier):
def get_keys(self, /):
def get_all_frames(self, /):
def insert(self, /, identifier, attributes):
def merge(self, /, other):
def intersection(self, /, identifiers):
def is_empty(self, /):
def to_instructions(self, /):
class Program:
def parse(input):
def to_quil(self, /):
def to_quil_or_debug(self, /):
def clone_without_body_instructions(self, /):
def copy(self, /):
def control_flow_graph(self, /):
def expand_calibrations_with_source_map(self, /):
def dagger(self, /):
def expand_calibrations(self, /):
def into_simplified(self, /):
def get_used_qubits(self, /):
def add_instruction(self, /, instruction):
def add_instructions(self, /, instructions):
def to_instructions(self, /):
def to_unitary(self, /, n_qubits):
def filter_instructions(self, /, predicate):
def resolve_placeholders(self, /):
def wrap_in_loop(self, /, loop_count_reference, start_target, end_target, iterations):
def resolve_placeholders_with_custom_resolvers(self, /, *, target_resolver=None, qubit_resolver=None):
class CalibrationExpansion:
def calibration_used(self, /):
def range(self, /):
def expansions(self, /):
class CalibrationExpansionSourceMap:
def entries(self, /):
def list_sources_for_target_index(self, /, target_index):

Given an instruction index within the resulting expansion, return the locations in the source which were expanded to generate that instruction.

This is O(n) where n is the number of first-level calibration expansions performed.

def list_sources_for_calibration_used(self, /, calibration_used):

Given a particular calibration (DEFCAL or DEFCAL MEASURE), return the locations in the source program which were expanded using that calibration.

This is O(n) where n is the number of first-level calibration expansions performed.

def list_targets_for_source_index(self, /, source_index):

Given a source index, return information about its expansion.

This is O(n) where n is the number of first-level calibration expansions performed.

class CalibrationExpansionSourceMapEntry:
def source_location(self, /):
def target_location(self, /):
class CalibrationSource:
def from_calibration(inner):
def from_measure_calibration(inner):
def inner(self, /):
def is_calibration(self, /):
def as_calibration(self, /):
def to_calibration(self, /):
def is_measure_calibration(self, /):
def as_measure_calibration(self, /):
def to_measure_calibration(self, /):
class MaybeCalibrationExpansion:
def inner(self, /):
def as_expanded(self, /):
def as_unexpanded(self, /):
def from_expanded(inner):
def from_unexpanded(inner):
def is_expanded(self, /):
def is_unexpanded(self, /):
def to_expanded(self, /):
def to_unexpanded(self, /):
class ProgramCalibrationExpansion:
def program(self, /):
def source_map(self, /):
class ProgramCalibrationExpansionSourceMap:
def entries(self, /):
def list_sources_for_target_index(self, /, target_index):

Given an instruction index within the resulting expansion, return the locations in the source which were expanded to generate that instruction.

This is O(n) where n is the number of source instructions.

def list_sources_for_calibration_used(self, /, calibration_used):

Given a particular calibration (DEFCAL or DEFCAL MEASURE), return the locations in the source program which were expanded using that calibration.

This is O(n) where n is the number of source instructions.

def list_targets_for_source_index(self, /, source_index):

Given a source index, return information about its expansion.

This is O(n) where n is the number of source instructions.

class ProgramCalibrationExpansionSourceMapEntry:
def source_location(self, /):
def target_location(self, /):
class CalibrationSet:
def expand(self, /, instruction, previous_calibrations):
def get_match_for_measurement(self, /, measurement):
def get_match_for_gate(self, /, gate):
def is_empty(self, /):
def insert_calibration(self, /, calibration):
def insert_measurement_calibration(self, /, calibration):
def extend(self, /, other):
def to_instructions(self, /):
class MemoryRegion:
class BasicBlock:
def as_schedule_seconds(self, /, program):
def gate_depth(self, /, gate_minimum_qubit_count):
def instructions(self, /):
def label(self, /):
def terminator(self, /):
class ControlFlowGraph:
def has_dynamic_control_flow(self, /):
def basic_blocks(self, /):
class ScheduleSeconds:
def items(self, /):
def duration(self, /):
class ScheduleSecondsItem:
class TimeSpanSeconds: