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API Reference

Run pyquil programs through Azure Quantum

  • Instead of using pyquil.get_qc() use pyquil_for_azure_quantum.get_qpu() for QPUs and pyquil_for_azure_quantum.get_qvm() for QVM.
  • QVM and quilc do not need to be installed or running locally.

AzureJob dataclass

Keeps track of an AzureProgram that was submitted to Azure Quantum.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
class AzureJob:
    """Keeps track of an ``AzureProgram`` that was submitted to Azure Quantum."""

    job: Job
    executable: AzureProgram


Bases: ObjectProxy, Program

A wrapper around a Program that is used to execute on Azure Quantum.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
class AzureProgram(ObjectProxy, Program):  # type: ignore
    """A wrapper around a ``Program`` that is used to execute on Azure Quantum."""

    def __init__(
        program: Program,
        skip_quilc: bool,
        memory_map: Optional[Dict[str, List[List[ParamValue]]]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.skip_quilc = skip_quilc
        self.memory_map = memory_map

    def copy(self) -> "AzureProgram":
        """Perform a shallow copy of this program.

        QuilAtom and AbstractInstruction objects should be treated as immutable to avoid strange behavior when
        performing a copy.
        return AzureProgram(self.__wrapped__.copy(), self.skip_quilc)

    def get_memory(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, List[List[ParamValue]]]]:
        """Retrieve the memory map for this program formatted in the way that Azure expects"""
        if self.memory_map is not None:
            return self.memory_map
        memory = self._memory.values
        if len(memory) == 0:
            return None
        memory_indexes_and_values_per_name: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, ParamValue]]] = {}
        for ref, value in memory.items():
            if not in memory_indexes_and_values_per_name:
                memory_indexes_and_values_per_name[] = []
            memory_indexes_and_values_per_name[].append((ref.index, value))
        memory_indexes_and_values_per_name = {
            k: sorted(v, key=lambda x: x[0]) for k, v in memory_indexes_and_values_per_name.items()
        substitutions: Dict[str, List[List[float]]] = {}
        for name, indexes_and_values in memory_indexes_and_values_per_name.items():
            values = []
            expected_index = 0
            for index, value in indexes_and_values:
                while index != expected_index:
                    # Pad missing values with zeros, just like pyquil does when patching
                    expected_index += 1
                expected_index += 1
            substitutions[name] = [values]
        return substitutions


Perform a shallow copy of this program.

QuilAtom and AbstractInstruction objects should be treated as immutable to avoid strange behavior when performing a copy.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def copy(self) -> "AzureProgram":
    """Perform a shallow copy of this program.

    QuilAtom and AbstractInstruction objects should be treated as immutable to avoid strange behavior when
    performing a copy.
    return AzureProgram(self.__wrapped__.copy(), self.skip_quilc)


Retrieve the memory map for this program formatted in the way that Azure expects

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def get_memory(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, List[List[ParamValue]]]]:
    """Retrieve the memory map for this program formatted in the way that Azure expects"""
    if self.memory_map is not None:
        return self.memory_map
    memory = self._memory.values
    if len(memory) == 0:
        return None
    memory_indexes_and_values_per_name: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, ParamValue]]] = {}
    for ref, value in memory.items():
        if not in memory_indexes_and_values_per_name:
            memory_indexes_and_values_per_name[] = []
        memory_indexes_and_values_per_name[].append((ref.index, value))
    memory_indexes_and_values_per_name = {
        k: sorted(v, key=lambda x: x[0]) for k, v in memory_indexes_and_values_per_name.items()
    substitutions: Dict[str, List[List[float]]] = {}
    for name, indexes_and_values in memory_indexes_and_values_per_name.items():
        values = []
        expected_index = 0
        for index, value in indexes_and_values:
            while index != expected_index:
                # Pad missing values with zeros, just like pyquil does when patching
                expected_index += 1
            expected_index += 1
        substitutions[name] = [values]
    return substitutions


Bases: QuantumComputer

A pyquil.QuantumComputer that runs on Azure Quantum.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
class AzureQuantumComputer(QuantumComputer):
    A ``pyquil.QuantumComputer`` that runs on Azure Quantum.

    def __init__(self, *, target: str, qpu_name: str):
        qam = AzureQuantumMachine(target=target)
        compiler = Proxy(lambda: get_qc(qpu_name).compiler)
        super().__init__(name=qpu_name, qam=qam, compiler=compiler)

    # pylint: disable-next=no-self-use,unused-argument
    def compile(
        program: Program,
        to_native_gates: bool = True,
        optimize: bool = True,
        protoquil: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> AzureProgram:
        """Compile a program for Azure execution.

        By default, this stage is a no-op and is here for better compatibility with pyquil programs. Azure will do all
        compilation in the cloud. However, if you want to tell Azure to skip the quilc step, pass ``False`` to
        ``to_native_gates``. This is necessary when utilizing Quil-T. If you want to run ``quilc`` locally in order to
        check the Native Quil which will be executed, call ``compiler.quil_to_native_quil`` and pass the result to this
        function along with ``to_native_gates=False``.

            program: The program to compile.
            to_native_gates: Whether to convert the program to native gates by running ``quilc`` *in the cloud* prior to
                execution. Defaults to ``True``, pass ``False`` to skip cloud-side ``quilc``.
            optimize: Has no effect on Azure.
            protoquil: Has no effect on Azure.

            An ``AzureExecutable`` which is effectively a simple wrapper around a ``Program``. No actual compilation is
            done here.
        return AzureProgram(program, skip_quilc=not to_native_gates)

    def run_batch(self, executable: AzureProgram, memory_map: Dict[str, List[List[float]]]) -> List[QAMExecutionResult]:
        """Run a sequence of memory values through the program.

        See Also:
            * [`AzureQuantumMachine.run_batch`][pyquil_for_azure_quantum.AzureQuantumMachine.run_batch]
        qam = cast(AzureQuantumMachine, self.qam)
        return qam.run_batch(executable, memory_map)

compile(program, to_native_gates=True, optimize=True, *, protoquil=None)

Compile a program for Azure execution.

By default, this stage is a no-op and is here for better compatibility with pyquil programs. Azure will do all compilation in the cloud. However, if you want to tell Azure to skip the quilc step, pass False to to_native_gates. This is necessary when utilizing Quil-T. If you want to run quilc locally in order to check the Native Quil which will be executed, call compiler.quil_to_native_quil and pass the result to this function along with to_native_gates=False.


Name Type Description Default
program Program

The program to compile.

to_native_gates bool

Whether to convert the program to native gates by running quilc in the cloud prior to execution. Defaults to True, pass False to skip cloud-side quilc.

optimize bool

Has no effect on Azure.

protoquil Optional[bool]

Has no effect on Azure.



Type Description

An AzureExecutable which is effectively a simple wrapper around a Program. No actual compilation is


done here.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def compile(
    program: Program,
    to_native_gates: bool = True,
    optimize: bool = True,
    protoquil: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> AzureProgram:
    """Compile a program for Azure execution.

    By default, this stage is a no-op and is here for better compatibility with pyquil programs. Azure will do all
    compilation in the cloud. However, if you want to tell Azure to skip the quilc step, pass ``False`` to
    ``to_native_gates``. This is necessary when utilizing Quil-T. If you want to run ``quilc`` locally in order to
    check the Native Quil which will be executed, call ``compiler.quil_to_native_quil`` and pass the result to this
    function along with ``to_native_gates=False``.

        program: The program to compile.
        to_native_gates: Whether to convert the program to native gates by running ``quilc`` *in the cloud* prior to
            execution. Defaults to ``True``, pass ``False`` to skip cloud-side ``quilc``.
        optimize: Has no effect on Azure.
        protoquil: Has no effect on Azure.

        An ``AzureExecutable`` which is effectively a simple wrapper around a ``Program``. No actual compilation is
        done here.
    return AzureProgram(program, skip_quilc=not to_native_gates)

run_batch(executable, memory_map)

Run a sequence of memory values through the program.

See Also
Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def run_batch(self, executable: AzureProgram, memory_map: Dict[str, List[List[float]]]) -> List[QAMExecutionResult]:
    """Run a sequence of memory values through the program.

    See Also:
        * [`AzureQuantumMachine.run_batch`][pyquil_for_azure_quantum.AzureQuantumMachine.run_batch]
    qam = cast(AzureQuantumMachine, self.qam)
    return qam.run_batch(executable, memory_map)


Bases: QAM[AzureJob]

An implementation of QAM which runs programs using Azure Quantum

These Azure Quantum configuration environment variables must be set
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The Azure subscription ID where the Quantum Workspace is located.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_RG: The Azure resource group where the Quantum Workspace is located.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the Quantum Workspace.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_LOCATION: The region where the Quantum Workspace is located.

Credentials for communicating with Azure Quantum should be stored in the following environment variables. If they are not set, this will attempt to open a browser to authenticate: * AZURE_CLIENT_ID * AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET * AZURE_TENANT_ID


Type Description

If required environment variables are not set.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
class AzureQuantumMachine(QAM[AzureJob]):
    """An implementation of QAM which runs programs using Azure Quantum

    These Azure Quantum configuration environment variables __must__ be set:
        * AZURE_QUANTUM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The Azure subscription ID where the Quantum Workspace is located.
        * AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_RG: The Azure resource group where the Quantum Workspace is located.
        * AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the Quantum Workspace.
        * AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_LOCATION: The region where the Quantum Workspace is located.

    Credentials for communicating with Azure Quantum should be stored in the following environment variables. If they
    are not set, this will attempt to open a browser to authenticate:

        KeyError: If required environment variables are not set.

    def __init__(self, *, target: str) -> None:
        self._workspace = Workspace(
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        self._target = Rigetti(

    # pylint: disable-next=useless-super-delegation
    def run(self, executable: AzureProgram) -> QAMExecutionResult:  # type: ignore[override]
        """Run the executable and wait for its results"""
        return super().run(executable)

    def execute(self, executable: AzureProgram, name: str = "pyquil-azure-job") -> AzureJob:  # type: ignore[override]
        """Run an AzureProgram on Azure Quantum. Unlike normal QAM this does not accept a ``QuantumExecutable``.

        You should build the ``AzureProgram`` via ``AzureQuantumComputer.compile``.

            executable: The AzureProgram to run.
            name: An optional name for the job which will show up in the Azure Quantum UI.

            A ``Job`` which can be used to check the status of the job or retrieve a ``QAMExecutionResult`` via
        executable = executable.copy()
        input_params = InputParams(
        memory = executable.get_memory()
        if memory is not None:
            input_params.substitutions = memory

        job = self._target.submit(
        return AzureJob(job=job, executable=executable)

    # pylint: disable-next=no-self-use
    def get_result(self, execute_response: AzureJob) -> QAMExecutionResult:
        """Wait for a ``Job`` to complete, then return the results

            RuntimeError: If the job fails.
        job = execute_response.job
        result = Result(job)
        numpified = {k: array(v) for k, v in result.data_per_register.items()}
        return QAMExecutionResult(

    def run_batch(
        self, executable: AzureProgram, memory_map: Dict[str, List[List[float]]], name: str = "pyquil-azure-job"
    ) -> List[QAMExecutionResult]:
        """Run the executable for each set of parameters in the ``memory_map``.

            executable: The AzureProgram to run.
            memory_map: A dictionary mapping parameter names to lists of parameter values. Each value is a list as long
                as the number of slots in the register. So if the register was ``DECLARE theta REAL[2]`` then the key
                in the dictionary would be ``theta`` and the value would be a list of lists of length 2. The entire
                program will be run (for shot count) as many times as there are values in the list. **All values (outer
                lists) must be of the same length**.
            name: An optional name for the job which will show up in the Azure Quantum UI.

            A list of ``QAMExecutionResult`` objects, one for each set of parameters.


        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from pyquil import Program
        >>> from pyquil.gates import CNOT, MEASURE, RX, H
        >>> from pyquil.quilatom import MemoryReference
        >>> from pyquil.quilbase import Declare
        >>> from pyquil_for_azure_quantum import get_qvm
        >>> qvm = get_qvm()
        >>> program = Program(\
             Declare("ro", "BIT", 1), \
             Declare("theta", "REAL", 1), \
             RX(MemoryReference("theta"), 0), \
             MEASURE(0, ("ro", 0)), \
        >>> compiled = qvm.compile(program)
        >>> results = qvm.run_batch(compiled, {"theta": [[0.0], [np.pi], [2 * np.pi]]})
        >>> assert len(results) == 3  # 3 values for theta—each a list of length 1
        >>> results_0 = results[0].readout_data["ro"]
        >>> assert len(results_0) == 1000  # 1000 shots
        >>> assert np.mean(results_0) == 0
        >>> results_pi = results[1].readout_data["ro"]
        >>> assert len(results_pi) == 1000
        >>> assert np.mean(results_pi) == 1

        num_params = None
        for param_name, param_values in memory_map.items():
            if num_params is None:
                num_params = len(param_values)
            elif num_params != len(param_values):
                raise ValueError(
                    "All parameter values must be of the same length. "
                    f"{param_name} has length {len(param_values)} but {num_params} were expected."

        input_params = InputParams(
            count=executable.num_shots, skip_quilc=executable.skip_quilc, substitutions=memory_map

        job = self._target.submit(
        combined_result = self.get_result(AzureJob(job, executable))
        if num_params is None or num_params == 1:
            return [combined_result]
        split_results = split(combined_result.readout_data["ro"], num_params)  # type: ignore
        return [QAMExecutionResult(executable, {"ro": result}) for result in split_results]

execute(executable, name='pyquil-azure-job')

Run an AzureProgram on Azure Quantum. Unlike normal QAM this does not accept a QuantumExecutable.

You should build the AzureProgram via AzureQuantumComputer.compile.


Name Type Description Default
executable AzureProgram

The AzureProgram to run.

name str

An optional name for the job which will show up in the Azure Quantum UI.



Type Description

A Job which can be used to check the status of the job or retrieve a QAMExecutionResult via



Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def execute(self, executable: AzureProgram, name: str = "pyquil-azure-job") -> AzureJob:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Run an AzureProgram on Azure Quantum. Unlike normal QAM this does not accept a ``QuantumExecutable``.

    You should build the ``AzureProgram`` via ``AzureQuantumComputer.compile``.

        executable: The AzureProgram to run.
        name: An optional name for the job which will show up in the Azure Quantum UI.

        A ``Job`` which can be used to check the status of the job or retrieve a ``QAMExecutionResult`` via
    executable = executable.copy()
    input_params = InputParams(
    memory = executable.get_memory()
    if memory is not None:
        input_params.substitutions = memory

    job = self._target.submit(
    return AzureJob(job=job, executable=executable)


Wait for a Job to complete, then return the results


Type Description

If the job fails.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def get_result(self, execute_response: AzureJob) -> QAMExecutionResult:
    """Wait for a ``Job`` to complete, then return the results

        RuntimeError: If the job fails.
    job = execute_response.job
    result = Result(job)
    numpified = {k: array(v) for k, v in result.data_per_register.items()}
    return QAMExecutionResult(


Run the executable and wait for its results

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def run(self, executable: AzureProgram) -> QAMExecutionResult:  # type: ignore[override]
    """Run the executable and wait for its results"""
    return super().run(executable)

run_batch(executable, memory_map, name='pyquil-azure-job')

Run the executable for each set of parameters in the memory_map.


Name Type Description Default
executable AzureProgram

The AzureProgram to run.

memory_map Dict[str, List[List[float]]]

A dictionary mapping parameter names to lists of parameter values. Each value is a list as long as the number of slots in the register. So if the register was DECLARE theta REAL[2] then the key in the dictionary would be theta and the value would be a list of lists of length 2. The entire program will be run (for shot count) as many times as there are values in the list. All values (outer lists) must be of the same length.

name str

An optional name for the job which will show up in the Azure Quantum UI.



Type Description

A list of QAMExecutionResult objects, one for each set of parameters.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyquil import Program
>>> from pyquil.gates import CNOT, MEASURE, RX, H
>>> from pyquil.quilatom import MemoryReference
>>> from pyquil.quilbase import Declare
>>> from pyquil_for_azure_quantum import get_qvm
>>> qvm = get_qvm()
>>> program = Program(             Declare("ro", "BIT", 1),              Declare("theta", "REAL", 1),              RX(MemoryReference("theta"), 0),              MEASURE(0, ("ro", 0)),         ).wrap_in_numshots_loop(1000)
>>> compiled = qvm.compile(program)
>>> results = qvm.run_batch(compiled, {"theta": [[0.0], [np.pi], [2 * np.pi]]})
>>> assert len(results) == 3  # 3 values for theta—each a list of length 1
>>> results_0 = results[0].readout_data["ro"]
>>> assert len(results_0) == 1000  # 1000 shots
>>> assert np.mean(results_0) == 0
>>> results_pi = results[1].readout_data["ro"]
>>> assert len(results_pi) == 1000
>>> assert np.mean(results_pi) == 1
Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def run_batch(
    self, executable: AzureProgram, memory_map: Dict[str, List[List[float]]], name: str = "pyquil-azure-job"
) -> List[QAMExecutionResult]:
    """Run the executable for each set of parameters in the ``memory_map``.

        executable: The AzureProgram to run.
        memory_map: A dictionary mapping parameter names to lists of parameter values. Each value is a list as long
            as the number of slots in the register. So if the register was ``DECLARE theta REAL[2]`` then the key
            in the dictionary would be ``theta`` and the value would be a list of lists of length 2. The entire
            program will be run (for shot count) as many times as there are values in the list. **All values (outer
            lists) must be of the same length**.
        name: An optional name for the job which will show up in the Azure Quantum UI.

        A list of ``QAMExecutionResult`` objects, one for each set of parameters.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyquil import Program
    >>> from pyquil.gates import CNOT, MEASURE, RX, H
    >>> from pyquil.quilatom import MemoryReference
    >>> from pyquil.quilbase import Declare
    >>> from pyquil_for_azure_quantum import get_qvm
    >>> qvm = get_qvm()
    >>> program = Program(\
         Declare("ro", "BIT", 1), \
         Declare("theta", "REAL", 1), \
         RX(MemoryReference("theta"), 0), \
         MEASURE(0, ("ro", 0)), \
    >>> compiled = qvm.compile(program)
    >>> results = qvm.run_batch(compiled, {"theta": [[0.0], [np.pi], [2 * np.pi]]})
    >>> assert len(results) == 3  # 3 values for theta—each a list of length 1
    >>> results_0 = results[0].readout_data["ro"]
    >>> assert len(results_0) == 1000  # 1000 shots
    >>> assert np.mean(results_0) == 0
    >>> results_pi = results[1].readout_data["ro"]
    >>> assert len(results_pi) == 1000
    >>> assert np.mean(results_pi) == 1

    num_params = None
    for param_name, param_values in memory_map.items():
        if num_params is None:
            num_params = len(param_values)
        elif num_params != len(param_values):
            raise ValueError(
                "All parameter values must be of the same length. "
                f"{param_name} has length {len(param_values)} but {num_params} were expected."

    input_params = InputParams(
        count=executable.num_shots, skip_quilc=executable.skip_quilc, substitutions=memory_map

    job = self._target.submit(
    combined_result = self.get_result(AzureJob(job, executable))
    if num_params is None or num_params == 1:
        return [combined_result]
    split_results = split(combined_result.readout_data["ro"], num_params)  # type: ignore
    return [QAMExecutionResult(executable, {"ro": result}) for result in split_results]


Get an AzureQuantumComputer targeting a real QPU

These Azure Quantum configuration environment variables must be set:

  • AZURE_QUANTUM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The Azure subscription ID where the Quantum Workspace is located.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_RG: The Azure resource group where the Quantum Workspace is located.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the Quantum Workspace.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_LOCATION: The region where the Quantum Workspace is located.

If these are not set, this will attempt to open a browser to authenticate:



Type Description

If required environment variables are not set.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def get_qpu(qpu_name: str) -> AzureQuantumComputer:
    """Get an AzureQuantumComputer targeting a real QPU

    These Azure Quantum configuration environment variables __must__ be set:

    - AZURE_QUANTUM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The Azure subscription ID where the Quantum Workspace is located.
    - AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_RG: The Azure resource group where the Quantum Workspace is located.
    - AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the Quantum Workspace.
    - AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_LOCATION: The region where the Quantum Workspace is located.

    If these are not set, this will attempt to open a browser to authenticate:


        KeyError: If required environment variables are not set.
    return AzureQuantumComputer(target=f"rigetti.qpu.{qpu_name.lower()}", qpu_name=qpu_name)


Get an AzureQuantumComputer targeting a cloud-hosted QVM

These Azure Quantum configuration environment variables must be set:

  • AZURE_QUANTUM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The Azure subscription ID where the Quantum Workspace is located.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_RG: The Azure resource group where the Quantum Workspace is located.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the Quantum Workspace.
  • AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_LOCATION: The region where the Quantum Workspace is located.

If these are not set, this will attempt to open a browser to authenticate:



Type Description

If required environment variables are not set.

Source code in pyquil_for_azure_quantum/
def get_qvm() -> AzureQuantumComputer:
    """Get an AzureQuantumComputer targeting a cloud-hosted QVM

    These Azure Quantum configuration environment variables __must__ be set:

    - AZURE_QUANTUM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID: The Azure subscription ID where the Quantum Workspace is located.
    - AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_RG: The Azure resource group where the Quantum Workspace is located.
    - AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the Quantum Workspace.
    - AZURE_QUANTUM_WORKSPACE_LOCATION: The region where the Quantum Workspace is located.

    If these are not set, this will attempt to open a browser to authenticate:


        KeyError: If required environment variables are not set.
    return AzureQuantumComputer(target="rigetti.sim.qvm", qpu_name="qvm")